Friday, July 31, 2015

Now you can download Angry Birds 2 for Android

This is not another simple version of the first Angry Birds, this is Angry Birds 2, so changes and developments are much bigger. Luckily, as we can see for ourselves, Angry Birds 2 can be downloaded from Google Play for free.

Angry Birds 2 was introduced last Tuesday, July 28, and two days later we can download from the app store. The game brings a handful of improvements, and contains features that makes it one of the most entertaining games you can play on Android now: improved graphics, bird free choice on every pitch, multi-stage levels, new and powerful spells, challenge players around the world in the Arena
Online tournaments daily, boss pigs and over 240 levels.

Thus, in this renewed release of Angry Birds, it has attached great importance to the strategy. Now, we can choose what we want to use bird on every pitch, not like before, we would appear one after another automatically. However, this will be beneficial or harmful depending on our choice, because depending on the moment, we agree more either.

Also shown bosses will be harder to defeat. To try and try to be performing well, we have powerful spells like Blizzard, spicy chillies, ducks gold, and more. Some spells that can be used throughout the more than 240 levels available from the beginning.

Now you can download Angry Birds 2 for Android