Sunday, March 15, 2015

Writeily Pro, a simple but effective Notes app

Write and point, there are times when we do not need a thousand features and editing options, we simply write down or write long texts without distractions. That's why apps like iA Writer or JotterPad are so successful.

Obviously there are not enough applications to be writing but at the same time also being nice and friendly aesthetically. This time we are talking about Writeily Pro, an application that comes from Writeily, the original version.

Writeily Pro is essentially an application of notes, a simple text editor, direct and although its name includes the word Pro it is totally free and no purchase in app. In it we can create different folders in which to save notes, so you have everything more organized and divide by subject.

Writeily Pro is free text editor that supports Markdown. In addition, you can import and edit other text files you have stored on your smartphone and save what you are doing in Memory. Something that many will give value: in Writeily Pro you can write in plain text, but also supports Markdown, so you can quickly format your text.

Otherwise, Writeily Pro has an interface that adopts Material Design elements such as spot colors, side navigation menu or button floating action to create new notes and folders. Among the application settings have options to change the font, font size, change the subject between light and dark and even block access to the app using code.

Writeily Pro is totally free from Google Play, contains no advertising or in-app purchases, but if you want to support the developer there is a donation version. A good alternative to other of its kind, but what we miss most is some sort of sync with the cloud.

Writeily Pro, a simple but effective Notes app