Sunday, April 26, 2015

YouTube adds a filter to search for videos in 360 degrees

Just a month since YouTube added the option to upload videos at 360 degrees to its platform, giving the youtubers a new tool to create the most amazing videos ago. This new option is hinted after exposure of the video filter option "spherical" in Teardown 4K. 

After that, the YouTube app was updated with a search filter for 4k video, ignoring the "spherical". Now we can finally enjoy the recordings in 360 degrees and after this latest update we will have a special filter in our searches, both Android and the web.

Find the filter is not difficult: just do a search, click the Filters button and select 360. You can easily find these commands: YouTube web, you will find them just below the search field, clearly marked as filters. In the Android application menu options is in top right, and marked with three decreasing horizontal lines.

The 360ยบ  filter appears to everyone on the website of YouTube, but may not yet be available for all Android devices. Google is allowing this update to a server level, so if you do not yet see a test appearing, you must restart your YouTube application. If this new option is still missing, do not despair. Because soon it will come to your Android device.

Now we can easily find these new videos, either Android or PC.

YouTube adds a filter to search for videos in 360 degrees