Saturday, May 9, 2015

Google Play allows pre-registration of applications to notify its launch

Our favorite applications store on mobile platforms such as Google Play has added a new feature, and can say that nothing expected, because from now we begin to see different applications and other content that support prior registration, which will allow users to be notified when they are published or rather when it is released in our region.

That is, as if it were a reservation, we can now run a search without any requirement at all, because only now it has the function to inform the public when a game or application in this case is published.

The first we have met with this new tool has been game Terminator Genisys: Revolution. If we agree on its respective page in Google Play a new button appears in the same location as the "Install" and it is the "Pre-register"button where a pop-up notifying you will be advised at the time of publication appears.

Of course we can at any time cancel the registration, so we will not be notified at the time of publication if we wish that way, because it is not something irreparable and has its solution, something positive of course.

With this development, the developers prefer to do so, from now they can publish content days or weeks before the release and anyone who want can register if they are interested in this.

Hopefully sooner they will apply this option and we can be aware of the publication of applications that interest us, and of course other content such as movies, books, music and other catalog that has Google Play today.

Google Play allows pre-registration of applications to notify its launch